
So this morning Mack saw that Molly was wearing her cowgirl boots and decided he would wear his cowboy boots…with shorts. It’s so cute that I just went with it.
Talk about a double standard if I’d have made him change but let her keep her boots on.

Sunday School was quite full. We missed Josh, but Chris Lee did a great job teaching. We had plenty of time for care groups, and I really did enjoy catching up with our group.

After church we went to IPP’S.

YUM! It was so good, and we had enough leftovers that I don’t have to cook today. A day without cooking is a great day indeed.

This morning I had a BAD hair day. I believe it was because I have washed my hair several times this week, which doesn’t help curly hair. It dries it out and just makes my hair tired. 🙂 Soooo, instead of going with a ponytail, I thought I would try a twist and pin style I had seen on Pinterest. It took me about 5 minutes, and I was fairly pleased that it turned out decent.


And just a minute ago I got to read to this little cutie:

That is the only bad thing about them learning to read for themselves….they no longer need me to read to them. These are some of my favorite times!

A new box of markers…

I was roaming Target today, and I came across a large pack of markers for a good price. I bought them, and I was “the best mom” for it. The kids have been coloring and coloring…while watching a new American Girl movie, which also assisted in my “best mom” status.



While the kids were in the school room writing thank you notes to their Sunday School teachers, Mack got a little frustrated with all the words I was directing him to write. He said in a serious tone, “I just don’t think I can do school AND football.” It was quite clear that he thinks his time is going to be better spent running and throwing a ball than writing words. I let him know that if he could only handle one, then he can be sure school was the one he’d be working on. He gave me a “Seriously?” look.
Cracks me up.
I mean, he is signed up for flag football–one night of practice, one game a week.
At least he is taking it serious. For now.

The girls have been very sweet to each other today. It seems to come in spurts. They can really get into it, but when they are kind and patient with one another and enjoy each other’s company, it is quite encouraging.

We are entering our last week of official summer break, as we will be starting our new routine and curriculum on August 5th. I sure hope we are up for it!

Inside these four walls

Well, well, well… has been filled with more time inside my house, which actually has been consistent with my whole summer.  We do go to the pool when the sun is shining.  The sun just hasn’t been shining very much lately.  A bit annoying?  Yes.  Will we survive?  Probably.

I’ve just sent all three kids to their rooms because of some bad behavior, so I’m going to blog a bit.

I laughed the other morning during my chronological Bible reading time when I realized that maybe Twitter has been around a lot longer than any of us realize:
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Josh and the kids took an overnight trip to see his dad and put up some peas and corn.  From what I understand, Irv did most of the work by a long stretch, but here is our freezer nonetheless:



We had plenty of time in the house yesterday, too, so we brought out the play-doh.  They don’t get into it like they used to, but we had a little fun with it.

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We worked on Mack’s sight words, and I was so happy to see that he really does know a great many words.

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Molly brought home an accordion from her music class, so she serenaded us.


Ruby loves marshmallows.  Mack woke up way early this morning, and he asked if he could have the last one of these huge marshmallows our neighbor gave us.  I said, “Hey, what about Ruby?  She probably won’t be happy if you eat all of the last one.”

Mack said, “Oh, she’ll get over it.”

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The other night I went in to check on Mack at bedtime.  He had evidently been drawing his family when he drifted off to sleep.  How sweet!

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I’m hoping for some more sunshine soon, but if not, maybe I can blog about all of my #LessonsfromGideon.




Baby Gubbies?

I was just sitting here, minding my own business and I hear Mack say, “Ruby, we’re gonna have baby gubbies.” He was staring at the fish tank where three goldfish live in our kitchen.
Ruby asked, “How do you know there will be guPPies??”
I sort of hold my breath thinking that there is no way he knows where baby guppies comes from.
“See how they are staying together?”he said with confidence.
I said, “Mack, what are you talking about?”
He said that the fish were staying together in the tank so they must be dating and were gonna have gubbies.

Dear goodness. It’s one thing if the fish were married and gonna have gubbies, but he thinks they are only dating and gonna have gubbies.

We clearly have much to explain….technically and morally.

That boy.

Mack was about to eat a cinnamon roll that was the size of his head when I told him, “You are gonna be as sick as a dog if you eat that whole thing!”
His response?
“Actually, I’m gonna be happy, happy, happy!”

That boy cracks me up.


Gideon by Priscilla Shirer has been one fabulous study!  I have thanked the Lord for allowing me to study the Bible with my friends this summer.  I wasn’t exactly planning to lead a Bible Study at all this summer.  Then, when I did decide to lead, I was intent on using the church.  When that fell through, we were all already excited about studying GIDEON that I opened up my  home each Thursday.  Besides keeping me accountable to have a clean house at least once a week, I’ve been held accountable to make this a summer of growth in God’s Word.  I’m thankful.  It’s never wasted time when you are in The Word of God.  He is so good.

On top of it being a summer of growing in my knowledge of the Word and the Lord Himself, I get to use hashtags.  You know, the # symbol.  I don’t tweet, but I was familiar with the hashtags.  I secretly wanted to tweet because those little comments after the # are usually so fun and creative.  Yet, limited with only a facebook account, I could only hold my hashtag remarks in my head (except I think I see people using them on Facebook.  Is that legal?).

Until this summer.

Priscilla had a great idea of having the student summarize their #LessonsFromGideon with hashtag remarks.  You could just keep them at the end of your lesson or you could actually share them with the world via social media.  I’ve learned I am long-winded and my cute little # remarks would usually end up a bit too long, in my opinion.  It’s a gift to be succinct.  #itry

Here are just a few random ones I wrote in my book under the #LessonsFromGideon section:


# comfortorcommitment?




And this is when I totally went over the hashtag limit—

#God, please multiply my simple efforts to achieve maximum results.

Then, I reined it back in a little—

#Humanism=man-centered religion









And then I sort of realized that maybe I was supposed to write out in a regular sentence what I learned and then just put #LessonsfromGideon behind it….but since I’m not on twitter I just came to the conclusion that I could do it however I wanted.  It is my workbook.  Dear goodness.  Why did that have to be so complicated?  I just wanted to be able to remember some of the main things I have learned.  🙂

So, I wanted to share a little bit of what I’ve learned here on the old blog.

Week ONE:

A judge in this time period is not at all like our culture thinks of judges.  They were called by God and empowered by God to unite the people of God to stand against the enemies of God.

Gideon is only in a couple of chapters in the whole book of Judges.

The people of God were in the Promised Land, yet they didn’t remember the might power of God.  They were being attacked by Midianites.  The Midianites should have been utterly destroyed in the past, but because of disobedience by the people of God (Numbers 31:1-5), they were not.  The Midianites were distant relatives of the Hebrews.  I didn’t realize Abraham had a child with his concubine, Keturah (Genesis 25:1) and that child was named Midian.  Jethro was a Midianite.  She shares a lot of history that shows how the people of God were in this situation.

Priscilla taught about three cycles of redemption seen in the Scriptures:

#1- From Adam to Noah, #2-Post flood to the time of Daniel and Ezra, and #3-Rebuilding the temple under the leadership of Ezra to the conception of the church.

She writes, “The great heroes of the Bible didn’t appear at the zenith of their cultures, but at the low points as part of God’s effort to rescue and redirect His people back to the covering of His covenant…..After the fall of Adam, Yahweh used Abraham to create a nation who would always be holy unto Himself.  When the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, He raised up Moses to deliver them to a land flowing with God’s protection and provision.  When they were oppressed by their enemies in this promised land, Yahweh raised up judges to be His representatives and lead the people out from under enemy subjugation.”

The judges were to bring unity among the tribes.  Not an easy job.  Four attributes necessary to maintain harmony were looked at on Day Four: humility, gentleness, patience and persistence.

Day Five we looked at the reason Israel was faltering….Judges 2:10 says that they didn’t know the Lord and did not know the work He had done for Israel.  The people of Gideon’s time had either not taught the younger generation or the younger generation didn’t have a heart to hear what they may have been saying…maybe a mixture of both.  I was reminded that I have a very real responsibility to teach my children the ways of God.  We do this through studying His Word together, taking them to church, but also fleshing out the gospel in our everyday lives and talking about the goodness of God  and His guidance in our lives over the years.  There are things they do not know about God or how He worked specifically for our family, so we must tell them.  In Gideon’s time the people were worshiping Baal and his female consort, Asherah.  They “represented fertility and prosperity to the ancients and did not have a law book like Yahweh,” Priscilla writes.  Our culture is running rampant with humanism…they “embrace their own reasoning as the basis of their decision making.  They may want God, but only on their terms and only if He doesn’t clash with their personal sense of rightness and happiness.  They want the benefits of a relationship with none of the responsibilities.”  I want my kids to know that God is good and does require holiness, which is why apart from Jesus, we are all in a major mess.  I can help turn the tide in our culture by teaching my kids and living out the gospel everyday.  One of her main points in this section was, “Don’t get comfortable with the blessings and forget to tell about the Blesser!”




Summer Fun

We have had a good week! This morning we went to Berry Patch Farm to pick a few blueberries. They were a bit tart, but they are good in muffins. We may try again in a couple of weeks.

The kids had to be woken up so we could get there at 8am when they opened. Their summer sleep schedule has included sleeping until 8:00 or later, which has been fabulous! They were glad we went.

We’ve lived here in Woodstock for ten years, so certain places bring back memories. Berry Patch Farms is one of those places…we have been on Kindergarten field trips to visit their pumpkin patch, we’ve gotten our Christmas trees at Berry Patch a couple of different years, and this wasn’t our first time picking blueberries!


Ruby isn’t a fan of the tire swing. She likes her feet on the ground…a cautious one…much like her mama.

Mack and Molly helped make the muffins.

Fun summer time!

Summer Fun

We have had a good week! This morning we went to Berry Patch Farm to pick a few blueberries. They were a bit tart, but they are good in muffins. We may try again in a couple of weeks.

The kids had to be woken up so we could get there at 8am when they opened. Their summer sleep schedule has included sleeping until 8:00 or later, which has been fabulous! They were glad we went.

We’ve lived here in Woodstock for ten years, so certain places bring back memories. Berry Patch Farms is one of those places…we have been on Kindergarten field trips to visit their pumpkin patch, we’ve gotten our Christmas trees at Berry Patch a couple of different years, and this wasn’t our first time picking blueberries!


Ruby isn’t a fan of the tire swing. She likes her feet on the ground…a cautious one…much like her mama.

Mack and Molly helped make the muffins.

Fun summer time!

Feeling Average? Tired of Mundane?

I’ve been keeping up with Ann Voskamp and her jaunt over to visit Katie Davis in Africa. I would be lying if I sometimes read of these adventures and compare it right up against me doing laundry and cleaning house, or worse yet, me losing my cool with the kids or me shopping online for shoes since I already have more than any one person should.

It’s extremely easy to feel like what I am doing isn’t even on the radar of mattering…I would give a list of the average, even mundane things I do each day but you already know them. You do them, too.

This quote from Ann Voskamp’s most recent blog caught my attention:


So no matter what you are doing on this Wednesday morning, I hope you are encouraged that what you do matters when you are operating in His Spirit and out of His great love!

JULY ONE! (and happy for it)

It is most definitely July 1st, and I am so happy about it.  May was full of end of the school year stuff, some family vacation traveling…June was filled with more traveling to see family and a work trip for Josh…but JULY, Lord-willing, will be calm.  I have no intentions of packing a bag.  I just want to enjoy being at home, have fun with the kids and then towards the end of the month I will do an over-haul of the school room to prepare for our first day of school…but why am I even thinking about that right now???

This past weekend we took a ride over to Augusta to see my family.  We swam, fished, talked, and ate too much.

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This is Marcy, me and Cacy…sisters.

photo copy 10This is my Dad (aka PawPaw) with Jud, my 7 year old nephew who cracks me up with his antics.

photo copy 12These are the seven dwarfs, I mean, seven cousins waiting to eat at Old MacDonalds Fishcamp.  I really should try to come up with names for these dwarfs….I would need to have my sisters’ input so as not to offend though….they all could be “Whiney” or “Mopey” or “Sleepy.”  From time to time there’s a “Happy”…and I’m pretty sure “Dopey” might fit on occassion.  Overall, they are all very sweet kiddos that get along.

photo copy 13The food did not disappoint.

photo copy 11The whole gang of us, minus Uncle Brian who had to work.

photo copy 14My mom (aka Sweetie) and Molly

photo copy 9The Three Stooges waiting to go to church

We really did enjoy the time with family.  Can’t wait to see them all again!